Appreciation banner

After six months of aging - just left actually:), I started to create new top page of this site with STYLE SHEET for study. Finally it is done with a bunch of additional work about 3 or 4 times against to my assuming at beginning - almost of the time was spent for file system restructuring, not for mature contents, unfortunately.

I spent almost six years in a small town in Virginia, however still struggling to deal with English. So if you can give me any advise to correct/improve English of this site, it is really appreciated. I am sure there are many mistakes and incomprehensive parts. I'd like to know and correct it.

There could be millions of purposes of site building are there as same number of site masters. For me, it is "Personal introduction can be reached via wires"...was basic concept of this site. This revision was started with reference book for CSS - my first computer related text book. Then I found again how fun the www page building is. Oh, do not expect too much for me, there are some mark of my struggling as limited on some font control only:-).

Also the site structure was becoming complicated, I was feeling it is time to setup an efficient navigation system. Then I tried frame system. Also remain non-framed system, and setup access of all contents from any combination of Japanese-English, frame-non-frame - it's a lot for me(@0@).

So the site looks like built for self-satisfaction(^^;. But in other words, contents of this site are based on my real experience and things express with what thing Jun is dealing with every day - interests, activities, hobbies, etc. I am satisfied and enjoy.

If you access this site accidentally, sorry I might not be able to satisfy your interests. It is reasonable because I am not super. But if you are little interested in me after the visit, it is great success for me and this site.

Thank you for visit and good luck on WWW.

March 03, 1999


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