Displays a user's permissions to specified files and directories. PERMS [domain\|computer\]username path [/i] [/s] [domain\|computer\]username Name of user whose permissions are to checked. path A file or directory, wildcards (*,?) accepted. /i Assumes the specified user is logged on interactively to computer where the file/directory resides. With this switch, PERMS assumes the user is a member of the INTERACTIVE group. Without this switch, PERMS assumes the user is a member of the NETWORK group. /s Check permissions on files in subdirectories. The output access mask contains the following letters: R Read W Write X Execute D Delete P Change Permissions O Take Ownership A General All - No Access * The specified user is the owner of the file or directory. # A group the user is a member of owns of the file or directory. ? The user's access permisssions can not be determined.