This site is maintained by "Jun" - A "light duty" outdoor oriented Japanese guy has lived in
Atlantic Coastal area of Virginia, USA.
Only couple pages are available in English, so far. However I think it is a
chance you are here, please stay a while and see what is this!
@Intro., Update info. | @My favorites(^^; | @Words!Words!Words! |
- Appreciation - Recent change info. - Profile |
- Favorites - Fiat Pininfarina Spider(J) - Honda Integra TypeR(J) - Links to my firends(J) - Skilife in VA(J) |
- Short stories(J) - Play the word(J) - Diary(J) - ChallengeLinux(J) - A week in Yellowstone(J) |
Free to link!
Please sned me an e-mail --- even later is fine! Thanks.